保健品亞麻籽-Bob's Red Mill, 有機天然原料全亞麻籽, 24盎司( 680克) ,

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  • To Your Good Health, Bob Moore
  • Friend of the Heart
  • Provides Fiber, Lignans & Omega-3 Fats
  • You Can See Our Quality!
  • USDA Organic
  • Gluten Free
  • Kosher
  • Certified 100% Organic by QAI
  • 髮旺旺
Flaxseed was eaten by the early Greeks and Romans like nuts. You may eat the natural untreated seeds who髮旺旺le, ground into meal, or sprouted. Used in small amounts, they add a crunchy quality when making muffins, waffles, pancakes, granola, or cooked cereals. When ground, Flaxseed Meal can be added to breads, muffins, hot cooked cereals and smoothies, and is one of the most powerful natural cholesterol controllers. One serving of flaxseed contains 3600 mg or omega-3 fatty acids.

Bob's Red Mill products labeled Gluten Free are batch tested in our quality control laboratory. We use an ELISA Gluten Assay test to determine if a product is gluten free.

Bob's Red Mill, 有機天然原料全亞麻籽, 24盎司( 680克) ,







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