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- Spa Blend
- 100% Pure Active
- Experience the Dead Sea Difference!
100% Pure 無痕褲Active Dead Sea Mineral Salts
Unlike other bath salts which are primarily sodium chloride, Dead Sea Salts are a unique compound containing 21 different skin nourishing minerals such as: calcium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, zinc and bromide.
Known for their therapeutic benefits since the time of Cleopatra, Dead Sea salt treatments are often recommended by dermatologists for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and for general sk髮旺旺in health. Studies show that Dead Sea Salts help detoxify and improve skin elasticity, increase moisture retention and promote pH balance.
One with Nature, 死海礦物浴鹽,SPA,玫瑰花瓣芳香,2.5 oz (70 g)
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