
熱敏感商品-Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑鹽和麥芽,2.82盎司(80克)

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  • Organic
  • 70% Cocoa
  • Crispy Toasty Malty
  • Serious Fun
  • USDA Organic
  • Fair-Trade Certified Ingredients
  • Certified B Corporation
  • Certified Organic by QAI
  • Non GMO Project Verified
The Flavor of Fun髮旺旺

There's nothing quite like the sweet, kid-like crunch of a malt ball. Now get a bite of its grown-up cousin. Malt meets salt - coveted Fleur de Sel de Guerande, to be specific - meets bold, deep Swiss-made Ecuadorian chocolate. The effect is sweet yet salty, smooth yet crispy, nostalgic yet entirely new. And just like that bag of malt balls, you might be surprised a髮旺旺t how fast this bar disappears.

Nourishing Foodie, Farmer and Field床的世界

As committed food activists, we髮旺旺 travel far and wide to bring you the wo床的世界rld's most exotic, delicious, and sustainable foods.

The stories from our cacao partners never cease to inspire. Look inside this box to read about the journey of farmers who gave up illegal coca for prosperous cacao - and rainforested the Amazon in the process.

Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑鹽和麥芽,2.82盎司(80克)






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